Finding Time to Write
So sorry - I have not forgotten about you . . . really!
Now where was I? Saying I'd be back sooner rather than later? Well, obviously we've been a little challenged in that department so therefore this post will be short and to-the-point as I have so much more I need to say these days!
The British Columbia Museums Association Conference 2013
- I always like meeting new museum professionals in the province, and get so energized when I see my museum pals from all over BC. Do whatever it takes to go to your regional conference. Go!
- I gave a presentation on digitization as well as was a member of the planning committee. I was busy! But I still had the opportunity to attend other sessions as well as listen to the key-note speakers. I felt a shift going on, an energy, at this conference. In a nutshell, I felt the baton was passed to the next (my) generation. Conversations were started and input was presented by many different attendees but . . . this one was a little different somehow by the people getting up to lead the talks. It was / is so very exciting!
In January I had an opportunity to join online in a conference in Toronto that spoke to the challenges and opportunities facing Canadian archives. There were thought leaders and 'agents provocateur' who spoke to the many different perspective of what archives do, and what maybe we should focus on. Not everyone said the same thing, which is a large part what made it fascinating. Even though it was an early start here on the West Coast, I am so glad I was able to attend and, in a small part, participate in the discussion. Again, the feeling was of change, and just a hint of optimism. I feel like we're getting somewhere, baby!