Thursday, November 10, 2022


Well, it's been a while . . .

I almost cannot believe this blog still exists, but it does! And so I am back after seven - SEVEN! - years away. A lot has happened, too. Where shall I start?

First, I guess all ya'll know - or should know - that I reclaimed my birth surname Davies in 2019, shortly after my father passed away. I was a bit nervous of how no longer going by my married name of Posynick would affect how I was known professionally - and I am still out there in that name, which is why it is still part of my LinkedIn landing page and a couple of other blog posts. But it was the right thing to do as it honours Dad, and I love owning my 'roots'. My contact email is now in order to reflect the change.

I also let my hair go silver! It wasn't just a COVID-induced decision, either. Not sure why I need to tell you about this, Blog, but it's important to me to be me, all me, and present that right up front. (More owning my roots, lol.) I have therefore updated my profile photo, woo hoo!

But the biggest change of all, oh Blog-of-Mine, is that I am no longer at that Big Museum. It was an amazing experience there, it was, and I am so glad I had that opportunity. You see, after nearly seven years as Senior Registrar, I stepped into a management role as Director of Collections, overseeing collections managers and the registration department. I began this role as the institution was going (and still is) through really large changes and understood that it was a risk stepping out of a union position. And so, almost ten months in, the position along with two other managers (of curators and educators) was made redundant/cancelled in an effort to restructure how leadership is organized. Now I know these things happen as an organization finds its new way and it *really* should not have been a huge surprise but I ain't gonna lie - this was and has been a big change for me. But know what else? I now have space. And time. Time to write and reflect about all I have learned these past few years, and time to share. 

I am in such a moment of opportunity right now, and I am very excited for what is ahead. My recent experiences having included all things registration (acquisitions, loans in and out, exhibitions), working to organize natural history specimens and human history objects to ready for a move, repatriation, access to collections, interpretation, team building (both hiring and supporting) and so many other topics. I want to, feel the deep NEED to, write all about it, from my perspective and experience as how my career has evolved. I am so glad to be here!

This is a photo of one of my favourite places, Botanical Beach on Vancouver Island. 
Sharing 'just because'!